Design Service Agreement Sample

When providing Schedule 1 (Services) services, the Designer: 13.5 The confidentiality obligations of this clause cannot be affected by the expiry or termination of this Agreement. During the maintenance period, the customer can ask designers to develop extensions of delivery components, and Designer makes reasonable economic efforts to prioritize designer resources to create such improvements. The parties are aware that commitments already made to third parties that exist at the time of the extension request may delay the immediate implementation of these requested improvements. These improvements must be made on a time and material basis at the cost of these designer services at the time. 1.1 The agreement refers to the entire content of this basic use document, the proposal document or documents, Calendar A, and all other additions listed below, as well as all the exhibits, calendars or annexes. 1.2 Maintenance period. After the warranty period expires and the customer`s choice, Designer provides support services for the following [MAINTENANCE #MONTHS] months (the «maintenance period») for a monthly fee of [MONTHLY MAINTANANCE FEE] [or designer hours fee of .] HOURLY FEE] per hour] is available. The parties may, by mutual written consent, extend the period of one year. While designers adapt the components of the customer`s graphic delivery to the customer`s specifications, the customer recognizes that graphic designs can generally have a common structure and base. Designer still owns all the models he may have created before this agreement. Designer also owns all the models he can create as a result of this agreement. 21.2 The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of [APPLICABLE JURISDICTION] have sole jurisdiction over the resolution of disputes or claims arising from or related to this Agreement. This contract for design services applies between [DESIGNER NAME» and [CLIENT NAME] (Client) for the performance of the services described in the proposal sent to the client under [PROPOSAL DELIVERY DATE] («Proposal»).

The parties therefore agree on the following point: 19.2 The waiver of a right under this agreement is effective only if it is written and applies only to the party to which the waiver is addressed and the circumstances for which it is granted. No waiver by other measures should be implied or should not be taken. The designer may not cede or transfer the rights or obligations conferred on him by this Agreement. The Client may transfer or transfer his rights or obligations under this Agreement, provided that he gives a written notification prior to the Designer. 7.1 Each party assures the other party that it has the full power and power to conclude and execute the agreement. 5.2 All intellectual property rights of the services resulting from this contract are the property of the client and the designer irrevocably cedes all intellectual property rights to the client, subject to payment of all designer fees in accordance with item 3. The parties make all the necessary documents to implement this clause. By signing below, the parties agree to read, understand and comply with the terms of this free-lance graphic design agreement. 3.2 Expenses. The customer bears the costs of the designers, a) incidental and incidental costs, including, but not limited, for telephone calls, postage, shipping, night mail, service offices, sets, plans, plans, models, models, presentation equipment, photocopies, parking charges, parking fees and tolls, taxi fees at the standard 30% increase of designers and, if applicable, a 30% refund and, if applicable, a 30% mileage refund; and (b) travel expenses, including transportation, food and accommodation, borne by the designer with the customer`s prior consent.